Health & Travel Medicine

What is occupational health?

Occupational Health, also known as Occupational Medicine is focused on work related injuries and illnesses. An Occupational Health Doctor screens for and treats occupational injuries and illnesses.

Occupational Medicals

why does your company need an occupational health doctor?

A Healthy Workforce is a more Productive Workforce.

It’s a Great Way to assess if your Health and Safety Measures are Working or if Adjustments are needed.

To Comply with Legislation.

What are the health and safety measures?

There are Different Types of Health and Safety measures and it follows a Hierarchy of Controls  

hierarchy of control

We provide Occupational Health Services to Small, Medium and Large Businesses in Zululand

We provide Pre-Employment Medicals, Periodic & Exit Medicals. We also do Medical Boarding Assessments and Submission for Compensation. Having a Travel medicine Practitioner as well, we also provide medicals for expats. We can assist with the necessary vaccinations as well as malaria prophylaxis.

Our Services

Pre -employment, Periodic & Post Employment medicals. Includes Hearing, Vision, Lung Function, Drug Testing

Onsite Medicals

Expatriate Medicals, Malaria prophylaxis and Travel Vaccinations

Occupational HEALTH

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