Dr S Govender
Meerensee Medical Centre
A Healthy Metabolism is essential to Living your Best Life
Having Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Hypothyroidism I have always Struggled with my Weight. Both these Conditions Slow Down your Metabolism and cause an Unhealthy Metabolism.
This spiked my interest in Metabolic Health and I have corrected my Metabolism.
You don’t need to have a Chronic Disease to have an Unhealthy Metabolism. Actually in fact, an Unhealthy Metabolism if not fixed will lead to Chronic Disease. If you are Gaining Weight, Struggling to Sleep, Feeling Drained etc, these are the First signs that something is Not right with you. It is correctable, book a Consult and we can get you Feeling like Yourself again.
You should be Enjoying Life, NOT Continuously Stressing about your Weight or Worrying what that One Bad Meal is going to do to Your Scale
Unfortunately, the main focus in Medical School, is the Diagnose and Treatment of Disease and Much Less on Prevention of Disease.
I follow a Preventive Medicine Approach. I Listen, Order the Necessary Tests, and Treat so that your Metabolism is Optimised. Thus making your Nutrition and Exercise more effective. Your Weight Loss will be easier and it will Minimise your Weight Gain when you go off your Diet or take an Exercise Vacation.
Have you been to a Doctor and said I'm Struggling to Lose Weight and have Not Really gotten help? Or have you been Asked by a Doctor to lose weight?
There are a lot of people Struggling to Lose Weight, their Energy Levels are Low, they feel Tired and Drained, they have Difficulty Sleeping or they Anxious. They Not Really Sure what is Wrong with Them. They have Carb Cravings. They feel Guilty that they Cannot Stick to their Diet.
Do you Struggle to Keep the Weight off? Do you Gain Quite a Number of Kgs back when going on Holiday or going though a Stressful Period? Then you Feel Demotivated because Losing the Weight was Difficult but Gaining it back was Too Easy. What I call a YO-YO weight.
Did you relate to ONE or MORE of the above?
I WON’T run just a Thyroid screen and tell you to Diet and Exercise.
I will take a Detailed History. Run the Necessary Tests. Correct the Issues that are Affecting Your Metabolism. Get your Energy Levels back up. Then we will Talk about Nutrition and Movement.
I have even Heard some People Say "I wish I was Hypothyroid, so that there is a Reason for this Weight, then I can Start Medication and Lose it".
The Truth is, that there are Many Things that Need to be Assessed, Other Hormone Levels, NOT Just your Thyroid Function. Specific Micro-Nutrient Deficiencies, your Glucose Metabolism as well as your Gut Health all contribute to your Metabolism and your overall Well Being.
If you need help, let me help you.
Dr S Govender
General Practitioner (GP) (MBCHB – WSU)
Diploma in Occupational Health (UKZN)
Travel Medicine (WITS)
Diabetes Practitioner (CDE)
Paediatric Care
Metabolic Health